Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Some spiritualists believe that they are not normal. They don't just believe that they are not normal, but they 'know' it. Such people believe that they were born onto Earth with a spiritual mission to fulfill. They believe that they are not REALLY from this world. They believe that they are "starseeds".

What are starseeds?
"Starseeds" is the term that refers to "indigo children", "rainbow children", "system busters" and "crystal children". These particular labels refer to people born within a particular time period, who are believed by proponents of the "starseed" idea to have been born onto Earth with a spiritual mission. According to http://www.drboylan.com/strkidsigns.html,  starseed children '... display skills, such as: telepathy (mental communication), precognition (knowing the future), telekinesis (moving objects by mental concentration), clairvoyance/remote viewing (mentally seeing things distant in space or time), "downloading" information (from off-planet consciousnesses), cross-species communication, penetrating intuitiveness (just "knowing" something without being told), affecting electrical devices (e.g., devices turn on or blow out as the kid goes by), remote-influencing others (telepathically), inter-dimensional viewing, aura-reading (learning about another's health, intentions, etc. by observing the energy field surrounding them), psychic diagnosis ("reading" the person's energy field fluctuations), psychic or bioenergetic healing (transferring helpful energy to a person), invisibility work (making self "invisible" (mentally), teleportation (moving self or object from one locale to another by mental effort), levitation (rising from the ground by mental effort), mental influencing (telepathically causing another to "feel" like doing something the Star Kid wants) , earth energy adjustment work, time dilation or contraction (causing events, trips, etc. to take longer or shorter time than ordinary), pre-sensitivity to earthquakes or human disasters like car crashes, interdimensional awareness, astral (out-of-body) travel, channeling (serving as a conduit for a person not present to speak through), shared consciousness (with a Star Visitor guide), operating in close mental connection with their Star Visitor guides, and physically summoning and connecting with one's Star-Visitor and other guardians.'

Rainbow children

 According to http://www.starchildren.info/rainbow.html,  "The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s." 
   Furthermore, "As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.
The Rainbow child generally recovers from the state of negative emotion quickly. This is also an important key that they hold, emotional mastery. Rainbow children are psychic and have the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed, as they grow older.
Rainbow Children are psychic. Beyond this and perhaps more so, they have strong wills and strong personalities. Their gifts do not stop there. They are known to be natural healers and instant manifesters. It is said that whatever they need or desire they can instantly manifest.
As would be expected, they have a connection to color. In fact they resonate with the colors around them. They are drawn to color, colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. Their energy is expressed in other ways too, as they are high-energy children. Their enthusiasm is demonstrated in their creativity. The Rainbow children are thought to be the builders of the New World, using Divine will."

Indigo children

According to http://www.angeltherapy.com/article1.php, Indigo children  "...share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination." Furthermore, Indigo children refers to such children of approximate "...ages 7 through 25".


Indigo children are children who are said to possess extraordinary supernatural powers. In order to identify such children, questionnaires or quizes about the personality of the child are normally answered. These diagnostic questionnaires work through cold reading, because they comprise of vague, general statements which could equally apply to anyone - and so the attributes which diagnose the children as being "starseeds" may be mere attributes that most children have an are not linked in any way or are uniquely significant for children that are so-called "starseeds": "indigo" children and adults, "rainbow children" or"crystal children". Interestingly, the attributes that may make indigo children and the like seem unorthodox as compared to 'normal' children are attributes which autistic children may tend to show - more that children without autism. For example, the idea that the children "think differently", or that they have an extremely good imagination, or that they daydream a lot or mix reality with their inner world, and similar attributes. Of course, the person trying to determine whether their child is an Indigo or not may be biased and so they may wrongly believe that their child fits the criteria of Indigos more than they actually do. 
     If autistic children are diagnosed by spiritual friends or their parents as being Indigos, it may be as a consequence as a psychological need for the parents to believe that their child is special and that their autism is not a problem, but rather that the condition acts in their favour in some way. After all, it is hard for a parent to accept the diagnosis of their child as having autism, so maybe if the parent consequently discovers that actually their child was "wrongly diagnosed" as having autism - and in fact, they are NOT autistic, but are merely an Indigo child - then it is obviously a way to deal psychologically with their child having autism. 
     However, if a young person - an adult - believes that they are an Indigo, or they adopt some other label, it will give them a psychological sense of self-importance: they are an Indigo; they have a job to do: a spiritual mission to fulfil. It makes them feel more important than they actually are. 
    Indigo children, for example, are believed by advocates of the concept, to be more "psychic" than the ordinary child. That they possess extraordinary psychic ability. This would mean that their psychic abilities should in theory confound scientists in the laboratory, who are testing for psychic abilities. So theoretically, they should be tested against a "normal" child, testing their psychic ability. But psychic ability has not really been found scientifically - although there were consistent results involving psi hitting and psi missing, in which the participant guessed correctly and guessed wrongly higher and lower than chance respectively, it is purely suggestive of psi and psi ability (aka psychic ability). Also, it is difficult to test children in experiments as they may not necessarily understand or want to take part in any experiment.
    Since it is believed by some spiritualists that children are more psychic than adults, it would suggest that the Indigo child is MORE psychic than the psychic child.


1 comment:

  1. Well this sucks for me, I tried to suppress this identity, but found myself incredibly unhappy and low, I tried to be normal to fit in and gain validation, and still didn't gain validation from the gay community I am in, Recently was encouraged to embrace the parts of myself that I suppressed including the starseed identity, I'm much happier now, albeit having more difficulty focusing. I enjoy the whimsical experiences that I visualize and "recieve"/imagine. I have been working on being kinder to others, and empathizing to greater extent. My "imaginary" guides offer positive feedback though quite grandiose and high fantasy from a Scientific/viewpoint, however this creative thinking is rich in details I don't think of when I'm not accepting the identity it comes with, this can provide fodder for a novel that could be profitable for my future. I take it all with a grain of salt, but I do enjoy it. I feel greater being true to myself by embracing this "wackadoodle" inner belief, that I "came" here for a reason. Some people need a reason for living honestly, some people need to have meaning. It may be purely in the mind, but humans have this capacity for a reason, it can aid in survival. Especially when people with diagnoses of adhd and or autism struggle to be included. Humans need companionship, and when there is no companionship their minds can improvise. To discount a person's belief system is practicing ignorance and invalidates the meaning people have found with their lives. As long as they aren't hurting themselves or others, please encourage them to believe what they will, encourage them to be true to themselves. Trust me, invalidation can induce shame, and often people will suppress the parts of themselves they have been shamed for. This creates trauma and takes away things in their life that brought them joy. Are animistic beliefs truly harmful? If anything I think they are conducive to protecting the environment, even if they are baloney. Science itself is also a religion with its own dogma, we will never have all the answers.


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