Some people, usually psychics, claim to be able to see 'auras'. But what are auras? Auras are said to be sheaths of energy that surround everything - trees, plants, foods, inanimate objects such as laptops, photographs, animals and people. They can also be seen on the television. The substance of the aura is supposedly energy. According to some people, including animal psychic Amelia Kinkade, the aura is electro-magnetic. The aura is supposedly affected by emotions - positive emotions such as happiness and negative emotions such as anger; psychological state (meditative, for example); level of spirituality and personality.
Some psychics give psychic readings to people based on the colours that they claim to be able to see in their aura. However, these are cold-reading statements. Furthermore, the psychic may not actually be seeing the aura nor its colours and could therefore be an outright fraud who is taking your money for a fraudulent service. Nonetheless, aura readings are typically very positive and uplifting. Such services are normally offered at psychic fairs.
According to Aromatherapy - by Christine Wildwood p.41 "The aura is the radiant life-force surrounding all living and so-called non-living substances on Earth, such as water and rocks." The word 'aura' " derived from the Greek avra meaning breeze because it is said to be continually in motion. Psychics describe the aura as a rainbow emanation radiating half a metre or more around the body, more or less ovoid in shape. It shimmers and alters in colour depending on our thoughts, emotions and physical state. Muddy colours in the aura indicate negative emotions or ill-health while clear colours are generally a positive sign. Some healers (especially acupuncturists) are able to smell the aura - and this is quite apart from a person's usual body odour."
According to Aromatherapy - by Christine Wildwood p.41 "The aura is the radiant life-force surrounding all living and so-called non-living substances on Earth, such as water and rocks." The word 'aura' " derived from the Greek avra meaning breeze because it is said to be continually in motion. Psychics describe the aura as a rainbow emanation radiating half a metre or more around the body, more or less ovoid in shape. It shimmers and alters in colour depending on our thoughts, emotions and physical state. Muddy colours in the aura indicate negative emotions or ill-health while clear colours are generally a positive sign. Some healers (especially acupuncturists) are able to smell the aura - and this is quite apart from a person's usual body odour."
An explanation for auras is that they are a type of synaesthesia, which is a condition where the senses are mixed. Examples are where people do not see numbers, but instead they see colours. For example, if 5 = indigo and 7 = white and 9 = red, then a sum might be something like this: 5 + 7 + 9 = purple. Meanwhile, some people see colours instead of hearing music. So if someone is feeling angry, a psychic might notice that that person's aura is red. Whereas when the person is calm, the psychic may see cyan in their aura. Perhaps, if some people are able to "smell" the aura, as Wildwood said in her book, synaesthesia may be a valid explanation.
However, people are more likely to see auras when their eyes are tired. In this case, their retinas are in need of a break and may feel tired and in need of a break. If the eyes remain open despite feeling tired, the vision may become distorted. In this state, the eyes may play tricks or hallucinate seeing things because they are out of focus. So auras may result. When the eyes become out of focus, an aura may be seen around the particular thing the person is looking at.
Alternatively, or in conjunction with the hallucination explanation, the aura may be seen as a sort of hypnogogic experience - when the person is on the verge of waking to sleeping. This is the typical sort of state that ghosts and orbs may be seen, so possibly auras may result from the person being in hypnogogia.
Some people claim to be able to see an indigo outline (or aura) around everything. What would this colour mean? As is stated below, the colours of an aura seen by a psychic are subject to their own interpretation and judgement and therefore could be wrong or incorrect.
Some people claim to be able to see an indigo outline (or aura) around everything. What would this colour mean? As is stated below, the colours of an aura seen by a psychic are subject to their own interpretation and judgement and therefore could be wrong or incorrect.
The layers of the aura
The human aura is said to have seven layers to it. Each of these vibrate at a different frequency. The nearer they get to the physical body, the denser they are and the lower the frequency. There are also said to be four subtle 'bodies', which are referred to as:
- the astral body
- the etheric body
- the mental body
- the emotional body
Because the concept of the aura and subtle bodies is philosophical, it is subject to being interpreted, explained and perceived in different ways. For example, some spiritualists believe that humans have seven chakras. Other spiritualists believe that humans have 12 chakras (the additional five were unlocked as a result of the 5th dimension that was entered on 21st December 2012, it was/is believed). Those who believe in the concept of 7 chakras believe in it strongly, whilst those who believe in there being twelve chakras are just as convicted that there are 12 chakras. So even though both have a common understanding or belief in a concept (the existence of chakras) each group approaches the concept in a different way (one group believes there are 7 chakras, whilst the other group believes there are 12. Regardless of whether chakras actually exist or not, the concept is down to personal interpretation. Strictly speaking, each is equally valid in the realm of spiritual thinking, but perhaps the idea of there being 12 chakras is a more appealing to certain types of spiritualists. The concept of chakras is an old one, so perhaps a new take to the idea is more attractive. Furthermore, the 21st December 2012 didn't bring anything close to the 'end of the world', nor an amazing 'step-up' of human consciousness, nor the merging of the 3rd Dimension with the 5th Dimension. Perhaps the concept of twelve chakras was a big money-making idea to console the disappointed spiritualists into believing that something DID happen on that fateful 2012 winter solstice?
So, does it matter whether a particular spiritual concept seems to clash or contradict with another similar concept? It would matter, of course, if it happened in science and it would be a good place to start for further scientific enquiry and experimentation. Yet, when the concepts are more spiritual, philosophical or theoretical, it probably wouldn't, because different people believe in different things. Some people would want to believe in one idea whilst others would have preference for another one. And where spirituality is concerned, virtually all concepts are relative and equally plausable. Perhaps, in some way that is not presently known, all the ideas or concepts that appear on the surface to conflict, they all work together or connect together somehow at a deeper level.
The astral body is the part of us that travels. For example, if someone was to astral-travel or astral-project, this part of the body, it is said, will be the part of us that is 'projected' or seen by people sensitive to it. Because the astral body is spiritual, it is not physical and so, spiritually-speaking, it is possible to 'travel' using this body whilst the physical body remains somewhere else.
The sublte bodies and disease
It is said that before physical illness manifests on a physical level (on the physical body), the illness, which is really just an 'energetic blockage' , first exists on an energetic level on the astral body. With time however, if this blockage does not correct itself or heal, it continues to manifest onto each of the subtle bodies until it reaches the end of its journey: manifestation on the physical body. People who are able to see auras may apparently pick up on these blockages, or people who work with energy healing (e.g. Reiki). Everything can influence the aura, including emotions. If negative emotions are not dealt with once they appear, they will, over time, result in illness.
The aura and colours
The aura is supposed to consist of all sorts of colours, which are affected by colours, foods, emotions, health and environmental hazards. The colours of the aura are said to have different meanings, so it is possible to give people 'aura readings' about their personality based on what colours are in the person's aura, as perceived by the psychic/clairvoyant. A quote by Edgar Cayce, from The Psychic Explorer by Jonathan Cainer and Carl Rider p.73 is that "The majority of people do see auras, they just don't realize it."
Interpretation of the colours is subjective. Just because one person believes that a colour has a particular meaning doesn't mean, in any way, that it is 'correct'. Nor does it mean that another person's interpretation of the same colour is 'wrong' or invalid. If a client was told that the red in their aura was due to anger, they may have a different explanation for what the colour meant and this may make more sense to them than what they were told by the psychic. Auric readings do seem to involve cold reading and they normally do not contain information that does not apply to the majority of the population. Furthermore, the readings will always be positive and uplifting, perhaps even flattering. Although they may seem amazing, the information provided in the readings is not evidence in any way that the psychic was seeing an aura, nor does it mean that they were interpreting what they claimed to be seeing - the colours in the person's aura.
Colours and their meanings do vary and are subject to personal interpretation. But for some colours, the interpretations are similar if not the same. In his book, Wilhelm Reich describes what he termed 'orgone' (another name for universal life force), to be "deep blue or blue grey" in colour. Some people who see auras can see an indigo-coloured aura around everything, including people. This may be termed the 'primary aura' because it generally doesn't change colour. In fact, if it changes in any way, it does in brightness. On a dull day, it may appear to be blue-grey and 'fuzzy' and on a sunnier day, it is a sparkling indigo colour. If the person seeing this aura is aware of the concept of orgone, they may believe that what they are seeing is, in fact, orgone energy. Since orgone is said to be universal, it could be seen as spiritual. If the person believes that the indigo aura is orgone, this belief may result in a belief that the colour indigo represents spirituality. Traditionally, indigo is associated with spirituality, especially since the brow or third eye chakra is seen as being indigo in colour. According to psychic, Billy Roberts, in his book The Magic of the Aura, p.66, deep, royal blue represents "Faith, Spiritual".
Cyan blue may symbolise an energy healer or a sense of calmness. It could also have no significant meaning, because cyan is the opposite of orange and so, therefore, be the result of someone's hands looking rather orange and that the person seeing the cyan around those hands is seeing nothing more than the opposite colour (cyan) of those hands (orange). Emerald green is also said to symbolise an 'energy healer' but may be seen around hands that appear red due to heat and since emerald green is the opposite of red, the emerald green aura may just be the opposite colour of the hands' red colour. Obviously, the problem here is that there is no way of knowing whether the cyan or emerald green auras are because the person is a healer, or whether it is merely the opposite colour to the hands'. Perhaps it is due to another reason entirely that is currently unknown.
According to p. 71, of The Psychic Explorer by Jonathan Cainer and Carl Rider:
According to p. 71, of The Psychic Explorer by Jonathan Cainer and Carl Rider:
- Red is "A very physical colour. It shows force, strength, energy and passion. Light red in any aura suggests a highly strung, hyperactive type, whereas dark red can show temper of a love of the sensual. Red can mean nervous problems and over-concern about self. Pride, greed and selfish affection are to be seen in the aura as red. People with a lot of red in their aura are often physically strong, wilful, with a rather materialistic outlook." It is, traditionally, the aura colour associated with anger and individuals who are angry are said to have red in their aura. Opposite colour: Green. Chakra: Root or base chakra.
- Orange - "Bright orange shows a healthy and vital person. It indicates a strong, positive personality. Consideration, self-control, thoughtfulness and intellectual development. On the negative side, pride, ambition and selfish goals. It is a most wholesome colour. (If an aura is exposed to the colour orange, its owner will experience a feeling of increased vitality.)" Opposite colour: Cyan/light blue. Chakra: Sacral.
- Yellow "Indicates intellectual ability. Wellbeing, optimism. Pale yellow can suggest a weak willpower, indecisiveness and timidity. According to Edgar Cayce, people with yellow in their aura usually take good care of themselves, are happy, helpful and friendly and not inclined to worry. Yellow is a sign of clear mental processes, and a golden yellow can indicate a developing spirit. Yellow is very refreshing to the nervous system. It invigorates not only the physical body but the mind and the emotions too, giving a feeling of optimism." Yellow is also the colour of the solar plexus chakra, which is said to be located in the middle and end of the rib cage. Yellow is furthermore associated with digestion. Opposite colour: Purple.
- Green is "The colour of nature and healing. Green in an aura is a sign of health, but dark green can suggest dishonesty. Green people are usually lively, versatile and adaptable. Green governs the mental levels and suggests a versatile brain. It is the colour of rebirth, new life, prosperity and Spring. Doctors and nurses are said to have a lot of green in their auras. Green tinged with brown are red denotes jealousy. Sympathy and adaptability show up as green." Chakra: Heart. Opposite colour: Pink.
- Blue is "According to Cayse [should be spelt Cayce] again, this is the colour of high-mindedness and great thoughts. It denotes idealism, devotion, spiritual feelings, self reliance and confidence. Other qualities associated with blue are integrity, sincerity and loyalty. Dark blue is a sign of wisdom and saintliness representing meditation. Pale blue indicates an, as yet, unfulfilled potential. As it gets darker, it shows a realization of the inner self. Blue can be a sign of 'the blues', and if shot through with black is a sign of religious vanity." Chakra - Cyan/turquoise: Throat chakra and indigo: Brow or third eye chakra. Opposite colour: Cyan/turquoise: Orange. Indigo: Yellow.
- Violet represents "Love, wisdom, knowledge. The colour of enlightenment." Opposite colour: yellow.
- Indigo is "The colour of the seeker and aspirant. It also represents benevolence, calmness and the possibility of psychic qualities. According to some, it can represent change in relationships or internal poisoning." As already mentioned, indigo is considered to be a very spiritual colour, particularly since the sixth chakra, the brow or third eye chakra, is supposed to be indigo in colour. Since this chakra is associated with clairvoyance (inner vision) and the development of psychic abilities, it may make sense that the colour could also be linked with psychic abilities (although bear in mind that that assumption is made just from the text of one book). Chakra: Third eye. Opposite colour: Yellow.
- Black is "The colour of ignorance. In severe cases, it appears with crimson red. When associated with great anger, it can appear as a kind of 'smoke' in the aura." Because the colour of black is also linked with death, it could also indicate that the person may be a rather negative person, is harbouring negative thoughts, or is very ill or about to die. It is not supposed to be a very good colour to have in the aura. Conversely, having the colour white is believed to be rather complementary and is linked with the angelic realms and with purity. However, black is also considered to be a very grounding colour. Chakra: Sole (foot) chakras. Opposite colour: White.
- Grey is associated with "Depression, torpor, sadness and gloom. When strong, grey can indicate fear. Greenish-grey is a sign of deceit." Opposite colour: Yellow.
- Brown is "Associated in the aura with avarice. In nature, brown appears with green, symbolizing wholeness and solidity." Opposite colour: Cyan.
- Rose Pink is "The colour of the emotions, romance and sincere friendship. Often the sign of a modest and refined person. If the aura is exposed to pink, the effect is revitalizing, despersing feelings of lethargy." Chakra: The 'Higher' heart chakra. Opposite colour: Emerald green.
- White is associated with the angelic realms and purity.
Yin and yang
Balance of yin and yang is said to be imperative for maintaining good health. If there is too much yin or too much yang in the system, imbalance results, first showing up in the subtle bodies then, after that, it develops as illness in the physical body.
In the picture below, the yin is depicted as white and yang is depicted as black. Together, they both make up the Tao, which is the yin and yang symbol.
When in perfect balance, the yin and yang represent health. In the same way, there must be a balance of universal energy with kundalini energy (earth energy) within the physical body. The chakras are said to maintain this equilibrium of energy. If there is a blockage of energy which consequently affects one of the chakras, it results in that chakra either not receiving enough energy, or the chakra receiving too much energy. This affects the other chakras, because it means that they are either receiving more energy or less energy that the blocked chakras and, henceforth, the balance of energy of universal energy and kundalini is affected also. If this energetic imbalance is not addressed soon enough, it is said to result in physical illness.

The qualities of black and white (as well as other colours) are symbolic. They may not be provable. Nor may they actually exist. However, the meanings of black and white, as in the principles of yin and yang, are important in some practices of spiritualism. The left side of the body is supposed to be yin, whilst the right side of the body is yang. Even food is supposed to consist of yin or yang energy. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, everything is made up of the energies of Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Metal. Foods that are hot are rules by Fire - such as peppers and chillies - and also, body parts and organs are ruled by these energies (which are known as the '5 elements'). For example, the lungs are associated with the energy of Metal, whereas the heart is associated with the energy of Fire.
Obviously, the opposites of yin (white) and yang (black) have nothing to do with skin colour. Yin is represented as white and yang as black. Humans are said to possess each in different amounts. Some people may have more yin energy than yang; and so this may be seen as why some people, including men, may seem more feminine that masculine - because their yin energy is dominant over their yang energy (and vice versa). As has already been said, when an imbalance of either yin or yang energy occurs, illness results. A balance, it must be stressed, allows for one energy to be dominant over the other, but when that dominance gets out of proportion, it means that the equilibrium previously maintained has run a kilter. This affects the chakras, the acupuncture points, the meridians, the aura (subtle bodies) and the physical body.
Can anyone see auras?
Obviously, the opposites of yin (white) and yang (black) have nothing to do with skin colour. Yin is represented as white and yang as black. Humans are said to possess each in different amounts. Some people may have more yin energy than yang; and so this may be seen as why some people, including men, may seem more feminine that masculine - because their yin energy is dominant over their yang energy (and vice versa). As has already been said, when an imbalance of either yin or yang energy occurs, illness results. A balance, it must be stressed, allows for one energy to be dominant over the other, but when that dominance gets out of proportion, it means that the equilibrium previously maintained has run a kilter. This affects the chakras, the acupuncture points, the meridians, the aura (subtle bodies) and the physical body.
Can anyone see auras?
Yes, anyone can see auras. The best time to try and do so is when one's eyes are tired, in subdued lighting. In Jonathan Cainer and Carl Rider's book, The Psychic Explorer p.59, Edgar Cayce, the famous American psychic, is quoted from his book Auras, from 1945, to have said, "Ever since I can remember, I have seen colours in connection with people. I do not remember a times when human beings I encountered did not register on my retina with blues and greens and reds gently pouring from their heads and shoulders. It was a long time before I realizsed that other people did not see these colours. It was a long time before I heard the word aura, and learned to apply it to this phenemonon which to me was commonplace. I do not even think of people except in connection with their auras; I see them change in my friends and loved ones as time goes by - sickness, dejection, love, fulfillment - these are all reflected in the aura and for me the aura is the weathervane of the soul. It shows me the way the winds of destiny are blowing."
Aura, The Magic of the - by Billy Roberts
Psychic Explorer, The - by Jonathan Cainer and Carl Rider
Awesome Article, Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteIndigo Aura Meaning & Personality – Guide
Most wonderfull Article, Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletePink Aura Meaning & Personality (Pink Aura Guide)