Saturday, 4 October 2014


Forget about people who see colours instead of numbers. Think about people who genuinely believe that numbers have meanings. Numerology is all about the concept that different numbers mean different things.

Some examples

What do you think the number '1' means? Spiritually speaking, the number is seen as to represent "union/unity", "balance", "wholeness" and perhaps a little bit of "equality". Mathematically, the number is a 'whole number', but also remember the Taoist concept of the yin and yang. The yin is one half and the yang is the other half. They are both halves of the whole. Combined, they make a whole, which symbolically represents balance and equality.

We live in a world full of opposites: hot/cold, sun/moon, night/day, light/heavy, etc. What do you think the number '2' might mean? Yes - the number represents polarity. Again, it could represent balance, a whole, because you have the yin (1 part) and the yang (1 part). What does 1 + 1 equal? Yes, 2.

Traditionally, the number '3' has been believed to be lucky. It is an odd number mathematically, so it could mean that things are 'not quite in balance', because you have a whole (1) and you have 2.  If you divide 2 into half, you get one - or, if you think of it in terms of yin and yang, you have an extra-big yin and yang.

So, numerology is all about symbology. If you get to know a symbologist (!!!), you can glean a great deal of information from them - not only on what numbers are supposed to mean for them, but also information about their mind's workings. Why do he/she believe that the number 1 represents unity?

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